The Children’s Place is a fantastic place to shop if you need children’s clothes. They have great sales and when you know how to combine those with other great perks they have you can really clean up. The secret is knowing when and how to shop. This article should clear things up for those new to The Children’s Place.
Get Started
Before you do anything else go to My Place Rewards and sign up. This is where you will start earning Place Cash and it’s free. You will earn 1 point per dollar spent plus every time you earn 100 points you will get $5 Place cash. When you add your kid’s birthdays you get special savings that month.
When To Shop
The very best time to shop is during Place Cash events. When these happen you can earn $10 Place Cash voucher for every $20 you spend. But wait, even during the event there is a best time to shop, and that is at the beginning for several reasons. One, there is no limit on the Place Cash you can earn, and two; you get Rewards Cash at the same time. Then you can use your Rewards Cash during the next Place Cash event!
Double Place Cash promos are another great way to earn easy money. When this takes place you get double the Place Cash – two $10 coupons instead of one – for each $20 you spend. Watch for these as they often happen not to long after the regular Place Cash events.
Split Up Your School Clothes Purchase
A Place Cash Promo event takes place usually in August. Buy half of what you need then where you can earn Place Cash. Then, when the cash becomes available, shop for the rest in September. It’s an easy peasy way to save big especially if you shop the 50% – 80% sales that start around then.
Place Cash Tips
To play it smart and stretch your deals even further shop the sales to earn your Place Cash. Then use that to pay for the more expensive regular price items you want. Just another great way to extend your savings.
Always shop online if you can. The Children’s Place has the best online clearance and usually a much bigger selection than in store. Stack your Place Cash with Rewards Cash on your clearance deals and score BIG! They are always having hot sales for as much as 80% off.
Save On Shipping
There is never a reason to pay for ship at The Children’s Place. Their biggest online promotions often come with free shipping. If there are no shipping codes available you can also have your order shipped to your store for free. It doesn’t get any better or any easier than that!
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