Maybe I am getting a little to obsessed with Big Brother lately but I think Shaws and Big Brother should team up and have a Big Brother House full of couponers and catalina deals.
Expect the unexpected could work by making a cat sale start early like Shaws just did. Nothing like too much excitement to make your head spin so you can’t even think straight. Throw Dollar Doublers on top of cats with no time to plan ahead and they would have one crazy coupon house!
Imagine double triple and quadruple cats where you can’t separate your order and no calculators allowed trying to get the lowest oop.
I am imagining the competitions in my head now and I want to play!!
Think of how ugly a smash and grab contest could get.
Throw us sales to see who can figure out the best deals on their own without any help of the internet.
I can envision the cast and even see who would I would want on my alliance and who I would want to evict. I can see who would be a floater and who would be the key players.
Better yet lets pair a couponer with a past house guest.
I wonder if Evel Dick uses coupons? If not I can teach him he seems like a quick learner just don’t stick me with Rachel I know she is smart enough but that laugh could be very distracting while I am trying to do mental math. Hmm.. maybe I would want her on my team and I could just send her to stand near the other competitors and annoy them while they are doing their math.. that could work!
And then there is the HOH room. Big Brother could change the HOH room to the DCH room . Fill the room with coupons and sales flyers instead of candy .
I can hear TLC’s naughty couponer Jamie yelling “Who wants to see my DCH room!!” They can make a game out of who can decode a coupon quickest and then a game out of who can shop for free without seeing the barcode numbers on the coupon.
Evel Dick and a DCH that almost sounds like it needs a parental warning for prime time TV.
Time to plan my strategy incase they call!!
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