Sadly, summer is fresh over! But now it’s time to get back at it and start LEARNING all the seemingly confusing coupon lingo!! Not sure what a CAT is and why on earth anyone would ROLL one?
Here are some VERY HELPFUL tips on COUPONING LINGO you need to know when reading our posts:
MM = Moneymaker!
MQ = Manufacturer’s Coupon
OOP = Out of Pocket
BOGO = Buy One, Get One Free
BOGO50 = Buy One, Get One 50% off
NLA = No longer available
Peelie = Similar to a Blinkie but is a coupon attached to a product.
RC = Rain check; You can request these from the customer service department in a store when a sale item is out of stock, then you can come back in at a later time to get the item at that same sale price. Rain checks will never expire!
RR = Register Reward; this is for Walgreen’s. It prints out at the bottom of the receipt like a coupon and is good for your next purchase.
ECB = ExtraCare Bucks, it’s CVS’ rewards program. This will print out at the end of the receipt if you purchase the deals the ECB’s are attached to for the week and can be used for a future purchase like cash!
EXP = Expires or Expiration date
TP = Tear Pad – Look like a notepad but they are coupons. You can find them usually near the product they are for!
TQ = Target Coupon
ISO = In search of
RP = RedPlum (Coupon insert – now known as RetailMeNot)
RMN = RetailMeNot (Coupon insert)
SS = SmartSource (Coupon insert)
PG = Proctor&Gamble (Coupon insert)
CW = Cartwheel (Target’s App)
BD = Breakdown
Blinkie = A coupon that comes out a machine in stores with a red blinking light!
CAT or Catalina = Slips that print out at the register in stores. Sometimes they are to be used in that specific store only and other times, they will say Manufacturer’s Coupon, which means, you can use it anywhere!
GC = Gift Card
Inserts = These are the coupon booklets that come in the Sunday paper. RetailMeNot (aka RedPlum), Smartsource, and Proctor&Gamble are the 3 main inserts.
YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary
WYB = When you buy
WSL = While supplies last
STACKING = when you use a manufacturer coupon and a store coupon together at the same time for an item
MIR = Mail in rebate
Q = Coupon
OYNO = On your next order
IP = Internet Printable coupon
UPC = Universal product code
Happy Couponing!!
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