A few years ago I made a news years resolution.
It was pretty simple as I am not one to make promises I can’t keep.
I am not one to make a resolution like go to the gym 5 days a week or do rebates.
My resolution was plain and simple.
My resolution was this,
Be a better person
That’s it nothing fancy and not to challenging or so I thought.
Actually it was more challenging then I thought especially in rush hour traffic.
But anyway..
Fast forward about 5- 6 years later and look what that one little resolution has turned into.
That one resolution is truly what I believe made How to Shop for Free what it is today.
We are known as a group for being a website that’s motto is Pay it Forward.
Never could I have imagined that one resolution could have started a national chain of events that has created a group of truly amazing and generous people to open their hearts and give with the same simple philosophy of paying it forward to make a difference in someone else’s life.
I am constantly receiving emails thanking me for for teaching them to think of others and give back.
To hear people thank me for that, well that is truly humbling .
The feeling of giving back is best described by HTSFF member Annemarie as “euphoric”.
Euphoric it is! There is no better feeling than giving to someone that truly is in need and there are so so many people right now that truly are in need.
If, and that’s a big if. But If I am responsible for making this happen nationally with one little resolution on my own then think for a moment, what you can do?
Then think, what can be done if we all work together as a group.
Challenge yourself!!
What will you do today to be a better person?
Let me know if you make a difference in someone’s life.
I love to get your stories you all inspire me and together we can inspire a nation.
We can change the world. One coupon at a time!
And all you have to do is keep reminding yourself to be a better person.
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